– mehr Ergonomie und weniger Schmerzen beim Radfahren

Pain-free cycling.*

We show you how to adjust and optimise your e-bike or bicycle ergonomically so that you can cycle free from discomfort as well as with greater efficiency and safety.

Where do you feel pain?

Start complaint advisor

Is your bike set up correctly?

Is your bike set up correctly?

What are the benefits of ergonomics?

The more ergonomically the e-bike or bicycle is adapted to its rider, the better the ride will be. Better means: painless, safe and efficient. Many things are easy to adjust, but some components such as the saddle, handlebars, stems, grips or pedals may need to be adapted to the individual physique.

Optimising your bike

Do you want to customise your bike to suit you and your needs? Here you will find helpful information about the individual components of your bike.


You can also find more information on our YouTube channel.

Your bike has to match you ergonomically: on this page we show you how you can avoid or reduce back pain, a stiff neck, numb hands or numb fingers while cycling.

Our experts

You will be advised by different experts who take all aspects of cycling into account. Our team includes medical practitioners as well as technicians and also regular cyclists. They will help you to find the optimum setting for your bike.

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