Shaft stem
The components of the classic shaft design:

The stem shaft and the stem form one fixed component. The stem shaft is inserted into the steerer tube and is held in place with the help of a clamping screw and a clamping cone.
Changing the handlebar height

Lower handlebar position
The clamping screw and clamping cone are loosened. The stem shaft is inserted deeper. The screw is tightened again with the specified torque.
Higher handlebar position
The clamping screw and clamping cone are loosened. The stem shaft is pulled out further. The screw is tightened again with the specified torque. Please note: observe the minimum insertion depth. ergotec offers stems of different lengths.
Ahead stem
Ahead design: the steerer tube protrudes beyond the head tube of the frame. The stem is placed on the upper end of the steerer tube and clamped into place. If the steerer tube is long enough, the height can be adjusted accordingly with the help of spacers.
The components of the Ahead design:

If spacers are fitted, the height can be reduced by removing the spacers. The protruding steerer tube is trimmed off (your dealer will do this).
After that the handlebars can no longer be raised, except with special adapter solutions from ergotec.

Adjustable stem
If the bike has an angle-adjustable stem, the position of the handlebars can be fine-tuned with ease. The possibility of angle adjustability is available for both Ahead stems and shaft stems.
Angle adjustment
Loosen the screw(s). Adjust the angle. Tighten the screw(s) again to the specified torque.

With an angle setting of 60 degrees, the handlebars are clearly further back and higher, the upper body is more upright. With an angle setting of 0 degrees, the handlebars are clearly further forward and lower, the upper body is more bent.
The illustration shows an example of an angle setting of 40 degrees.

Please note: if the angle is adjusted, two factors change - the height of the handlebars and the distance between the handlebars and the saddle.
Therefore: first adjust the handlebar height via the stem length. Only then should you fine-tune the position by adjusting the angle.