Back pain is one of the most common complaints that can be caused by an incorrectly adjusted bike. That's why focuses in particular on back problems. The fact that our interactive website providing advice on physical ailments and ergonomics can be an effective aid in such cases has now been confirmed by the organisation Aktion Gesunder Rücken (Healthy Back Campaign), which has awarded our website its seal of quality.
Let's be honest: among us bike and e-bike enthusiasts there is hardly anyone who has never been affected by back problems. Yet not all back pain is the same: on the contrary, it differs according to whether it occurs in the upper or lower back, in terms of the specific sensation of pain and in numerous other factors. That is why our internationally unique website providing advice on physical ailments and ergonomics analyses back problems in detail before making concrete suggestions for possible relief. By the way, we developed in close cooperation with the scientific cycling expert Dr. Achim Schmidt.
This concept apparently also impressed Aktion Gesunder Rücken e. V. (AGR), because after extensive testing they awarded our complaint and ergonomics advisory website their seal of approval in the category "Bicycle adjustment aid". AGR is backed by numerous medical associations, which in turn represent a total of around 150,000 doctors and therapists specialising in back treatment.
Good to know: can support you not only in the case of back ailments, but also if you have problems in the areas of the head, neck, buttocks, legs, feet, arms or hands due to an incorrectly adjusted bike. If you have any questions about the ergonomically correct adjustment of your bike or e-bike, your ergotec specialist dealer will of course be happy to help. Many of these bike experts use the state-of-the-art ergotec scanner for optimal adjustment - this has also had the AGR seal of approval since November 2021.